Pine Push Physical Therapy
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Directions to our new office at 155 Center Street:

buildingFrom Rt 52 traveling west (from Walden area): contine on 52 past the Valley Supreme and Rite Aid drug store, turn right on Center Street at the "Williams Business Machine Building/Radio Shack", proceed on Center Street past the Pine Bush Ambulance Corps building. Our office is the second building past the Ambulance Building on the left, 155 Center Street.

From Rt. 52 traveling east (from ellenville or Walker Valley): continue through the light at the coner of Rt 302 and Rt 52, turn left after "Williams Business Machine Building/Radio Shack", proceed on Center Street past the Pine Bush Ambulance Corps building. Our office is the second building past the Ambulance Building on the left, 155 Center Street.

From Rt 302 (traveling from Thompson Ridge or Bullville) at the intersection of Rt 52, turn right. Continue on Rt 52 until you turn left at "Williams Business Machine Building/Radio Shack", proceed on Center Street past the Pine Bush Ambulance Corps building. Our office is the second building past the Ambulance Building on the left, 155 Center Street.